Start Your Journey

Hypnotherapy Session Details

Before you book, please note:

You cannot do a session if any of the following applies to you:

- if you are under 16 years of age

- if you’re going to be intoxicated on the day of your session

- if you have been diagnosed with any mental illness that has psychosis as part of its symptoms

- if you have severe hearing and/or speaking challenges

Preparing for Your Hypnotic Regression Session

I look forward to guiding you through this transformative experience. To ensure that you make the most of your session, I recommend clearing your entire day for the appointment.

Session Outline

Your session will begin with an initial discussion to address any questions or concerns you may have. Once we have established a comfortable and open environment you will be guided to relax and enter a state of deep focus, enabling the regression to unfold.

Following the regression, we will review the experiences encountered, ensuring that you are fully awake and grounded before concluding the session. Generally, the entire process can last anywhere from 4 to 5 hours, allowing ample time for a comprehensive exploration.

Post-Session Considerations

After experiencing a hypnotic regression, it is advisable to refrain from scheduling additional appointments or embarking on a lengthy drive, unless you are in the passenger seat. You are encouraged to ground in nature before your departure.

It is highly suggested that you allocate some time post-session to process your experiences before engaging in mentally taxing activities or strenuous physical tasks.

I value your well-being and want to ensure that you have the necessary space and time to honor your unique journey during and after the session.

QHHT Session

My session fee is $224, with a nonrefundable deposit of $111. This is payable via cash, check, venmo, or zelle.

Each session typically lasts between 4-5 hours, and I only book one session per day to ensure that every client receives my full focus and dedication.


Reiki Touch and Sound Healing

My session fee is $50 for 1 hour. Sessions can be scheduled individually or added before or after your QHHT session.

Integration Call

To provide my clients with continued support and assistance, I offer a 30-minute post session connection for a fee of $25. These sessions are conducted via Zoom, FaceTime, or by phone, allowing you to connect with me in a way that is most comfortable for you.

Everything you desire is already inside of you. I am here to help you access your highest self.

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